Quickline Boosts Rural Connectivity with Completion of Lincolnshire Superfast Broadband Build

In a significant milestone, Quickline Communications has successfully completed the Building Digital UK-backed Lincolnshire Superfast Broadband build programme, connecting over 8,000 premises across rural Lincolnshire to high-speed broadband services.

Quickline, which secured the contract in September 2020, has surpassed expectations by providing broadband speeds of at least 100Mbps to 8,100 homes and businesses in challenging and remote locations by the end of October 2023.

This achievement stems from Quickline’s innovative approach, employing a hybrid network that combines full fibre and next-generation fixed wireless broadband technologies. This strategy ensures connectivity even in the most challenging and isolated areas.

Lincolnshire County Council representatives have commended Quickline’s efforts, acknowledging the positive impact on broadband connectivity in deep rural locations. Councillor Richard Davies, the Executive Member for IT at Lincolnshire County Council, expressed his satisfaction, stating, “It’s great news that the Lincolnshire Superfast Broadband Build by Quickline Communications is complete and has given some 8,000 rural homes high connectivity speeds.”

The success of the project aligns with the council’s commitment to improving broadband accessibility throughout the county. Councillor Davies emphasized the project’s significance in providing digital access to hard-to-reach locations, showcasing the county’s dedication to comprehensive broadband coverage.

Quickline’s approach extends beyond Lincolnshire, with previous successes in BDUK-backed build programmes in West Yorkshire. The company has demonstrated its commitment to best practices by being the first telecommunications company to endorse the Lincolnshire Street Works Charter. Introduced by the council to minimize disruptions to road users, the charter reflects Quickline’s dedication to ensuring the highest quality practices in all its projects.

CEO Sean Royce highlighted the collaborative efforts with Lincolnshire County Council and community engagement as pivotal elements in achieving a faster and more connected future. Royce emphasized the tangible impact of the Lincolnshire Superfast Broadband build programme, stating, “The delivery of the Lincolnshire Superfast Broadband build programme means thousands more people, both residents and businesses, can now access much-improved broadband speeds which will make a world of difference to the many day-to-day tasks they carry out online.”

Emily Turner

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