Openreach And Zen Use A Drone On A New Full Fibre Installation!

This is pretty awesome. Full Fibre installations can be a real pain! There’s multiple ways to bring full fibre to a new premises, using existing infrastructure (ducting & poles) or new.

When using existing infrastructure to pull the full fibre cable, you can often come up against blockages. The ducting itself could have collapsed (

his is pretty awesome. Full fibre installations can be a real pain! There are multiple ways to bring full fibre to new premises, using existing infrastructure (ducting & poles) or new.

When using existing infrastructure to pull the full fibre cable, you can often encounter blockages. The ducting itself could have collapsed (especially as some was laid nearly 100 years ago), you can find flooding, dirt, all sorts. For overhead infrastructure (poles), you can come up against trees blocking the route, rotting hardware, and busy roads – it can be an all-around headache to get new cable tied in.

So, in the video below, Zen & Openreach find a new unique way to carry the fibre cable: a drone!

We love this. Zen is a unique ISP where they have always put the customer first (slightly more expensive, but they give you top-tier service). So, being one of the first to work alongside Openreach on some new tech would be just right.

We’ve heard of drones being used for surveys over the years, but never to actually carry cable!

You can watch the video below.

Jonny Rae

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