Diverse Voices in Tech: An Insightful Interview with Vorboss Installation Technicians Caprice and Acacia

In a concerted effort to spotlight inspiring women in the tech industry, techUK is on a mission to eradicate gender bias, break down industry barriers, and promote the significance of a diverse tech landscape. As part of this initiative, we delve into an illuminating interview with Caprice and Acacia, two remarkable installation technicians at Vorboss.

Pioneering Gender Diversity at Vorboss

Women constitute nearly 40% of Vorboss’s build and installations team, making them an influential force within the company. Their achievements underscore the transformative potential of inclusive, gender-balanced workplaces within the telecoms sector.

The Journey to Telecoms

Caprice: I’d say it was a bit of both. I’ve always enjoyed busy, intellectually engaging jobs, and this role seemed like a perfect fit. What truly piqued my interest was the substantial opportunities for women in this field. Interestingly, before joining Vorboss, I didn’t even know what chambers were—the covers you see on pavements that house fiber cables. Now, I can explain their purpose, which is pretty cool.

Acacia: Having a diverse team is immensely important as it brings a variety of perspectives, ideas, and experiences to the table. I’ve always had another woman on my team at Vorboss, which creates a supportive environment.

Charting a Unique Workday

Caprice: I began my journey in September. My workdays span from Tuesday to Friday, where I engage in fieldwork. One day might involve blowing fiber through a subduct, while the next could see us rodding and roping a route. Every day is distinct and exciting, and I genuinely look forward to going to work.

Training for Success

Caprice: Extensive training was available. A support network was always on standby, ready to assist if needed. I enrolled in the Vorboss Academy, an accredited in-house training program lasting eight weeks. It encompassed a mix of online and on-site training at the warehouse center. I learned practical skills, from safely handling chamber lids to splicing.

Challenging Gender Norms

Acacia: Traditionally, this job might have been viewed as more suited to men due to its physical nature. However, times have changed, and women can now pursue careers that align with their interests and abilities.

A Supportive Environment at Vorboss

Caprice: Vorboss has created a supportive atmosphere for women. For instance, when faced with the challenge of lifting heavy chamber lids, women can work together. Uniforms are tailored to accommodate everyone’s needs. There’s a women’s uniform, but those who prefer men’s attire for personal reasons are free to choose it.

Acacia: We have initiatives like period days, which are immensely helpful. We also organize events like breakfasts, fostering open conversations about women’s issues and ways to make the workplace more inclusive. It’s a safe space to discuss matters and contributes to a positive company culture.

Diversity in Action

Caprice: Yes, I would say it’s a diverse group. Interestingly, in my team, there are more women than men. It’s refreshing to work alongside other women, and it fosters a sense of equality. I don’t feel diminished, and it demonstrates that women can excel in roles traditionally considered male-dominated. We often receive positive comments from passersby, appreciating the diversity we bring to the job.

Acacia: It’s heartening to see a company in our industry actively supporting women. It’s inspiring for women at Vorboss to witness efforts aimed at creating change. It underscores that women of all ages can be part of installation teams; it’s not exclusively a role for men. Anyone can do it once they’re trained.

Overcoming Challenges

Acacia: There have been instances where pedestrians passed by, expressing doubt that this is a woman’s job. However, I encounter such comments less frequently now. Vorboss is actively encouraging more women to join the industry, and it’s becoming more accepted. When such incidents occur, we can turn to our manager for support to ensure we feel comfortable at work. Positive interactions with the public recognizing our diverse team have also increased.

Words of Wisdom for Future Tech Generations

Acacia: Just go for it! If an opportunity arises, seize it with both hands and shine. There’s so much to learn!

Caprice: I echo that sentiment. Don’t let anything hold you back! Give it a try; you never know what you’re capable of. Have faith in yourself and banish self-doubt. Gender shouldn’t be a barrier; there’s room for everyone.

Jonny Rae

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