Crawley Anticipates Economic Growth with CityFibre’s Full Fibre Rollout

A recent report commissioned by CityFibre, the UK’s leading independent full fibre platform, reveals that Crawley is poised for significant economic gains as the town welcomes a faster and more reliable full fibre network.

According to the study conducted by the consultancy Hatch, titled “Economic Impact of Full Fibre Infrastructure from CityFibre’s Network,” CityFibre’s £23 million investment in Crawley is expected to yield substantial economic benefits over a fifteen-year period. These advantages include £385 million in productivity and innovation gains, £85 million from an expanded workforce, £2 million in local authority efficiency savings, and a £288 million increase in housing value.

The report highlights the positive impact of full fibre access, particularly in the context of hybrid and flexible working. By facilitating full fibre connectivity at home and in the workplace, employers in Crawley can tap into a larger talent pool, which is projected to deliver £85 million in benefits. Moreover, the report estimates a nationwide productivity boost of over £22 million enabled by flexible working.

The technological advancements made possible by CityFibre’s network in Crawley are another focal point of the report. It highlights that the network will help unlock significant growth values, including £916 million from 5G services, £194 million from the Internet of Things, and £162 million from Smart City initiatives such as intelligent traffic management systems and street lighting.

The broader impact extends to the UK as a whole, with potential economic benefits exceeding £38 billion. The majority of this value—over £22 billion—stems from productivity improvements and innovation. Enhanced digital connectivity contributes to business productivity and innovation, ultimately boosting turnover and fostering the emergence of new businesses and business models.

Anne Krausse, CityFibre Area Manager for Crawley, expressed her excitement about the positive outcomes already observed in the town’s digital infrastructure investment. As the rollout continues, she looks forward to hearing more feedback from residents and local businesses regarding the tangible benefits of fast and reliable internet connections.

Henry Smith, MP for Crawley, commented on the promising forecast for the town’s digital infrastructure enhancement. He emphasized the potential for significant community-wide benefits from CityFibre’s full fibre network.

Crawley’s economic outlook appears promising as CityFibre’s full fibre network paves the way for enhanced digital connectivity and its associated advantages.

Jonny Rae

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