Zzoomm Hits New Milestone As They Sign Their 30,000th Customer!

Zzoomm, a growing Full Fibre provider operating in 29 market towns and small urban communities, now boasts over 30,000 contracted customers and more than 200,000 ready-for-service (RFS) properties, reflecting a 15% uptake on a network that has only been available for 17 months on average!

The company is committed to delivering exceptional customer service and is focused on profitable network commercialization and brand building. With minimal customer churn and rapid growth, Zzoomm continues to attract new customers at leading rates across its service areas.

Matthew Hare, CEO Zzoomm commented:

“We are pleased to be able to serve 30,000 customers and continue to add well over a thousand new customers each month.  This is a testament to our passionate customer focus, our sales and marketing effectiveness as well as our premier service. 

“In June this year, ISPreview stated that their tests for the first half of 2024, showed Zzoomm offers the highest average download speed amongst the Alt Net providers and frankly, across any UK network.

“We have established a leading position on customer uptake at 15% on a network which only has been in operation for an average of 17 months.

“This is an exceptional start and there remains a huge opportunity for Zzoomm to continue to grow at pace.  More Happy Customers please!”

Emily Turner

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