Nexfibre Releases Inaugural Report on UK Fibre Market Transformation

In its first-ever report, titled “Platform for Progress,” nexfibre, the next-generation wholesale network operator, provides an in-depth analysis of past underinvestment in the UK’s digital infrastructure, the key challenges ahead, and essential steps for policymakers to foster sustainable competition and revolutionize fibre access across the nation. The full report can be found here.

nexfibre, a joint venture between InfraVia Capital Partners, Liberty Global, and Telefónica, is backed by £4.5 billion in equity and debt investment. The company has ambitious plans to roll out its full-fibre network to 5 million premises by 2026, with the potential to expand to an additional 2 million. In 2024 alone, nexfibre plans to invest £1 billion in the UK’s digital infrastructure, a move expected to significantly boost the UK’s digital economy and contribute to the Government’s gigabit broadband goals. Virgin Media O2 serves as nexfibre’s anchor wholesale tenant, with plans to make the network available to other providers.

The report highlights three critical areas for development:

Stable Regulatory Environment: The UK must ensure a regulatory framework that attracts necessary investments in digital infrastructure. Sustaining momentum beyond the current roll-out phase requires a competitive market for the long term.

Equitable Playing Field: Regulators must enforce a consistent and fair environment for all operators. This includes curbing anti-competitive behavior by incumbents and creating regulations that prevent the exclusion of competitors.

Sustainable Competition: The UK needs a market characterized by national-scale wholesale competition, rather than fragmented sub-scale operators. This approach will drive future progress and foster the right conditions for accelerating innovation and development in the full-fibre market.

With Ofcom’s upcoming Telecoms Access Review (TAR) set to evaluate the market and its challenges, nexfibre stresses the importance of decisive action. The regulatory frameworks established for 2026-31 will have far-reaching implications for the UK’s digital infrastructure, economy, and society. Without proactive measures, policymakers risk stalling the hard-earned momentum of the current market.

As a key player in the market, nexfibre is not only delivering high-quality fibre access to millions of households but also shaping the industry by promoting sustainable competition and innovation. This strategy aims to empower people and businesses, accelerate the full-fibre rollout, attract beneficial investments for the UK economy, and promote continuous technological advancement.

Rajiv Datta, Chief Executive Officer of nexfibre, commented on the report:

“I am delighted to publish nexfibre’s ‘Platform for Progress’ report, reflecting on our first year in the market and critically examining what is needed to unlock the sector’s full potential.

“The market faces several challenges, some stemming from historical underinvestment and others from external factors. All can be overcome by creating a dynamic market environment conducive to competition and progress.

“I look forward to collaborating with industry partners and policymakers to deliver a digital infrastructure fit for the future.”

Emily Turner

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