Fusion Fibre Light Up Sotcksfield and Mickley!

Residents of Stocksfield and Mickley are now surfing the digital waves at lightning speed, thanks to the recent installation of full fibre broadband in these rural Northumberland villages.

Since the tail end of summer 2022, Fusion Fibre Group (formerly known as FACTCO), in collaboration with Northumberland County Council, has been on a mission to future-proof Stocksfield and Mickley with ultrafast broadband speeds reaching up to a whopping 1000Mbps.

With the network going live in February, Fusion Fibre Group has been hard at work, ensuring that local homes and businesses are equipped with full fibre connectivity.

One of the lucky areas to experience this digital upgrade is Guessburn Estate in Stocksfield. According to Mr. Proszowski, a local resident, the upgrade has been an absolute game-changer: “The connection is brilliant. There are no longer arguments over who can use the internet. I get to watch the football while the rest of my family stream Netflix.”

Gary Spooner, Head of National Sales at Fusion Fibre Group, expressed his delight at witnessing the community revel in the benefits of full fibre: “Despite the challenges we faced during the network build, seeing the positive impact of vastly improved speeds has been immensely gratifying for our entire team. None of this would have been achievable without the support of County Councillor for Stocksfield and Mickley, Anne Dale.”

Councillor Dale shared her excitement, stating, “I am thrilled to see ultrafast broadband finally making its debut in Stocksfield and Mickley. This new connection promises a plethora of advantages for both residents and local businesses, a development I wholeheartedly welcome.”

Residents were given the opportunity to delve deeper into the first phase of this groundbreaking service rollout at an event held at Stocksfield Community Centre on Tuesday, 19th March.

The next wave of live properties is slated for release in May, with further events planned to keep residents in the loop.

Councillor Richard Wearmouth, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services at Northumberland County Council, praised the efforts behind the broadband rollout, stating, “It is fantastic to witness the rollout of top-notch broadband capabilities across Northumberland. I extend my gratitude to all the teams involved in making this happen. I encourage everyone in the area with access to this upgraded service to explore what Fusion Fibre Group has to offer.”

Jonny Rae

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