CityFibre Invests in Advanced Test Automation, Accelerating Technology and Network Upgrade Testing by 100x

CityFibre has fully automated its network infrastructure test environment, allowing for faster and more accurate testing of new products, technology changes, and software upgrades. This move enhances their ability to innovate and introduce emerging technologies efficiently.

With the help of test automation leader Red Helix and a bespoke framework designed by IGXGlobal UK, CityFibre has significantly increased its testing speed, volume, and accuracy. Tests that used to take 15 minutes now take under 10 seconds, and test capacity has increased by 300%. This new capability allows engineers to focus on addressing issues rather than conducting tests, and automated analysis further speeds up the process.

The advanced test infrastructure uses cutting-edge technologies like Keysight Ixia Novus and IxLoad platforms to simulate complex network environments, and Huber+Suhner Polatis optical switches to streamline physical connectivity. Quali CloudShell software controls the entire process, enabling continuous remote testing and management.

This automated testing framework allows CityFibre to quickly and consistently test new software releases and technologies. The result is faster operational readiness and quicker market introduction of new products and upgrades.

David Tomalin, CityFibre’s Group CTO, said, “Our new testing infrastructure, developed with Red Helix and IGXGlobal UK, has revolutionized our capabilities. It ensures greater speed, volume, accuracy, and efficiency, benefiting our wholesale partners and the homes and businesses they serve.”

Rob Pocock of Red Helix highlighted the project’s success, emphasizing that CityFibre’s lack of legacy technology allowed full utilization of test automation, improving testing quality and innovation speed.

Rob Neep of IGXGlobal UK noted that their services have enhanced CityFibre’s operational excellence by reducing test duration and increasing throughput, maximizing investment in testing infrastructure, and accelerating technology adoption. This partnership helps CityFibre maintain top service quality, network performance, and security.

Max Walker

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