In a heartwarming display of community collaboration, Freedom Fibre has adorned its active cabinets in Irlam with captivating artwork, turning them into visual landmarks that the community can enjoy!
Springwood Primary School, renowned for its inclusive education approach, played a pivotal role in this initiative. The school’s students, along with dedicated teachers, joined hands with Freedom Fibre representatives to infuse the active cabinets with colorful and meaningful designs.
The artwork was met with awe and admiration at a recent unveiling event attended by Freedom Fibre CEO Neil McArthur, Head of Build Assurance Steven Warner, and enthusiastic students and teachers from Springwood Primary.
Springwood Primary expressed their joy and pride in seeing their creations come to life in their town, emphasizing the significance of the project in fostering community pride and engagement.
The artwork, skillfully translated from handprints to digital designs by Works By MerÓ and expertly wrapped by Wyke, now adorns Freedom Fibre’s active cabinets, serving as a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity in building strong community ties.
Residents and visitors alike are encouraged to explore Irlam and witness firsthand the striking transformation of Freedom Fibre’s active cabinets into vibrant works of art.