Richard Tang’s Latest Interview: Guy Miller, CEO of MS3 Networks

Richard Tang, CEO of Zen Internet, sits down with Guy Miller, CEO of MS3.

Here are the highlights from the conversation:

To start, of course, they talk about Hull’s telecom market. Hull was completely different from the way the rest of the UK operated when it came to telecoms. For decades, KCOM held a monopoly within the town, controlling broadband services and leaving residents with one option. This unique situation set the stage for a challenger to emerge, and MS3 did just that, bringing much-needed competition to the residents of Hull.

For years, KCOM’s dominance in Hull meant that residents had no choice but to accept the services and prices set by a single provider. When MS3 entered the scene, it not only introduced a much-needed alternative but also operates as an open-access network. This means they are the wholesale infrastructure provider to Hull. For the first time, people living in Hull have the option to buy broadband from a large range of ISPs. This brings healthy competition on pricing as well as different standards of hardware and service.

MS3’s rapid expansion has seen the company pass more than 200,000 homes with its fibre network, and they have already secured nearly 30% of the local market. This is a significant achievement in such a short space of time (they received their build funding only in November 2021).

Of course, during the conversation, Richard asks Guy about the negative press regarding telegraph poles around Hull. Guy explains that there is a small number of disgruntled residents and protesters with whom he’s in repeated contact, but the majority are happy to gain access to new full-fibre, competitive prices, and a chance to move beyond the previous monopoly.

MS3’s ambitious plans don’t stop at 200,000 homes. The company aims to extend its network to over 500,000 households in the coming years, making it a significant player in the UK’s broadband market. This growth signals a shift towards more sustainable competition, which could reshape consumer choices and spark further innovation within the telecom sector. As MS3 continues to expand, its impact on the market will be felt far beyond Hull, offering a glimpse into the future of broadband in the UK.

MS3 has proven that competition can transform markets, lower prices, and improve quality, especially in regions long dominated by a single provider. With its sights set on expansion, the company is well on its way to becoming a major force in the UK’s telecom landscape, bringing lasting benefits to consumers and setting the stage for the next chapter in broadband innovation.

Jonny Rae

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